Like most stories Spiros learned about me while he was in Austin ("One time I was chased by a pack of geese." "More than once I've been attacked by a swan."), while we were stopped for lunch in Pismo Beach, he learned about the traumatic time when a pack of wily seagulls descended down on me, my younger brother, and a bag of Cheetos. Only two of the three survived.
So when a giant (I'm talking the size of a large house cat) seagull started stalking us the minute we parked our topless car (haha, topless) at a park for lunch, I was on edge. "Babe, it's fine," he tried to console me. No sir, it's not fine. I've seen what those beasts can do. (Granted I was also like a third the size of the person I am today, so maybe I should just grow a pair?)
Instead I shrieked and shouted, covered our delicious BBQ picnic so they couldn't steal as much as a sweet potato fry, and acted like a general lunatic for the better part of thirty minutes. It was one of those experiences when Spiros got to see first hand exactly what he's getting himself into with me. After we finished eating (and survived the trauma of our seagull nemesis calling in for backup), we went to play on the cool aquatic mammal playscape. Because no matter what my driver's license says, I am a child.
A little ways up the coast, we saw the coolest thing of all time: A beach full of elephant seals. Like tons (literally) of blubber laying out. Known in some cultures as "spring break." I've never felt so svelte. I took about a million pictures, but those are for my private collection of things no one else is interested in. Here are just a few. (The red thing is a baseball cap, FYI.)
After that grand adventure, we continued up the coast toward Big Sur. If you haven't been there, drop whatever it is you're "busy" doing and go immediately! It's so beautiful! Like maybe the most beautiful place in Amuricuh!
Finally we made it to Monterey. (Unfortunately the world famous aquarium was already closed for the evening and didn't open up until ten the next morning so we didn't get to go. Sad face emoticon.) But we still had a fun time walking through the town's farmers' market, along the bay's edge, and debating whether or not we should go to a quasi-shady-looking Mexican restaurant for "Dollar Taco Tuesday." Instead we ate a delicious meal next to our hotel, which after watching Bridesmaids later that night, I feel was the best call. (As hilarious as Spiros found the "bathroom scene," I think it would have lost its humor had it happened in real life.)
Last stop: San Francisco! Home to a million seagulls! Eeeeek!
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