Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Family Field Trip

For as far back as I can remember, my family made a big deal about the Natural Bridge Caverns' billboards that we would pass on our way to visit relatives in San Antonio.

It started over two decades ago with my older cousin who thought the dinosaur head extended off the top - and visible from quite a ways away - looked like a snake. So to keep the kids entertained it became a game: whoever could shout out "snaaaaake" first got a point. Sadly they redesigned those billboards a few years back, but occasionally they still get brought up in family stories. Along with the fact we've never actually been to see the caves.

Since I've been in a life regression for the past month while staying at home, I suggested that my mom and I go on an old-fashioned field trip to finally see what it's all about. It just so happened that both of my brothers were on breaks from school, and my dad even decided to forgo his daily bike ride to join in too.

Let me tell you, nature is beautiful. Stalagmites, stalactites, all pret-ty cool. So was climbing a dinosaur. Also, I am seven.

Okay fine, there was a ladder in back that I climbed up. I am not super woman.
The "natural bridge" for which the caves are named. 
The stuff George Lucas' dreams are made of.

This brother is getting his degree in biology so it's
totally normal for him to be fake eating a giant cricket.
Unfortunately Charlie's wife wasn't able to come so this can't be our Christmas card picture
(also I am wearing Nike running shorts in public and am not nearly as ashamed as I should be)

Has anyone else ever been spelunking? Does anyone want to go? THERE ARE PLENTY MORE TO EXPLORE! Maybe I'll have my (8-year-old) birthday party at one! 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Greek Weekend Part II

Spiros came back to Austin this weekend in between work trips, and between celebrating his belated birthday and the holiday weekend, we luckily had an excuse to eat and drink way too much. Who am I kidding, we would have done that anyway.

But it was the perfect opportunity to practice some baking skills. A three level chocolate cake and icing from scratch? As you can see from the look on his face, he was just as surprised that I managed to pull it off as I was. (I'm totally allergic to following recipes that precisely.)

We also went out to The Oasis for lunch since it overlooks Lake Travis and my mom is big on showing Spiros as many beautiful parts of Austin as possible. It's part of her subtle (or not so subtle) scheme to convince him what a wonderful place Austin is so he'll want to move here. So far so good, but let's see how he feels when it's 100 degrees in August.

That night he and I managed to get our new-puppy-parent friends out of the house and down to Rainey Street for some Austin night life. After enjoying the low-key houses-turned-into-bars, we decided to show Spiros what our college weekends were made of. Sixth Street on a Saturday night was a little too much to handle. Spoiler alert: We are not 21 anymore. 

To counteract the night out, the next morning we went to Stubb's BBQ Gospel Brunch. All worshiping should involve brisket, I've decided. Followed by a long nap.


It was a perfect weekend, one that will require a week of fasting to recover from. 
(Well, after I polish off the rest of that cake, that is.) 

Hope everyone else had a great Memorial Day too!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Taste of Nostalgia

When I got my driver's license sophomore year of high school, the ultimate destination was always Magnolia Cafe ("Mags" to those in the know). Although it was only across a bridge from our little bubble of suburbia, the 24-hour "Sorry, We're Open" diner always felt like we were entering a different world. It embodied the spirit of Keep Austin Weird with its eclectic artwork, hipster-before-hipsters-even-existed servers, and mix-and-match wrapping-paper-topped tables.

The BFF, Shawn and I would go there whenever we needed something to do. It was as perfect of a late-night destination as it was for breakfast, plus situated right next to Town Lake made it possible to stop in for lunch after a gossip-filled walk.

Oh the memories of that place. I'm pretty sure every guy I ever dated in Austin took me there at least once, and I'm equally certain I dissected each relationship's demise over a basket of chips there too. Shawn on-and-off dated a guy who worked there, adding another layer to the history. Oh, and who could forget "the incident" when The BFF was unceremoniously dumped at the parking lot picnic tables (by the same idiot who dumped her outside our dorm). No one, that's who, because for years during college she refused to go back. And now, whenever we all happen to be in town at the same time, you can usually count on us having a reunion meal or two.

The point is, that place holds a million memories for all of us. Whenever I go there, it's like a time machine. A pancake time machine. (In no other restaurant does it ever occur to me to order pancakes. In the triumvirate ranking of carb-based breakfast food, for me it will always be: 1) Waffles, 2) French toast, 3) boring ol' pancakes.)

But you see, if you're looking for the best pancakes in Austin, Mags is your place. A lot of people like to talk about Kerby Lane, but no sir, they are wrong. These fill-the-plate pieces of heaven - either standard Buttermilk, Gingerbread, Cornmeal or Whole-wheat - will please you, especially with some bananas thrown in for good measure.

The other staple? Mag Mud. A glorious, heaven-sent concoction of queso (aka melted cheese for you non-Texans), guacamole, and black beans that is so popular it apparently even has its own Facebook page. My mouth is watering just writing about it. (If my computer breaks due to drool, that will be awkward to explain to the Geek Squad.)

Anyway, this is just a long way of saying: Does anyone want to go to Mags later? As my high school regression is in full force, I could seriously use an outing.

Monday, May 21, 2012

To Grandmother's House We Go

My mom and I spent the weekend visiting Dolo in Houston. Ever since I was a little girl, trips like these have always included two important ingredients:

1) Going out to eat
2) Going to the movies.

This time around, we double-dipped in both regards. Lunch on Friday at the Americas followed by Bernie, a hilarious movie based on a totally real event that happened in the small, East Texas town of Carthage where Meredith's boyfriend (and Liza's dog daddy) is from. We - including cinematic snob Dolo - highly recommend it. The actual townspeople steal the show from Jack Black and my pal Matthew McConaughey.

Saturday we hit it old school at Houston's (old school meaning Dolo and I used to go there all the time but haven't been in years; grilled chicken salad 4 life) with my aunt and two cousins followed by a sweet little family outing to see The Dictator. Because if there isn't some awkward male nudity and uncomfortable sexual jokes it isn't a weekend with my precious grandmother. Too bad Spiros wasn't here for this one.

One of these things isn't like the other. (Hint: I'm referring to my brown hair.)

The highlight of the weekend, though, was watching Mama Mia at home over a delicious bowl of tortilla soup. We chose it from her random assortment of movies - including the masterpiece Bethoven's 2nd on VHS - since it's set in Greece and I've never seen it. Not only did we appreciate Dolo's foray into "cooking a meal at home like a real grandmother," but her movie commentary really set the bar for the evening...

Dolo: "I have to warn you, Pierce Brosnon is the worst singer. Every time he starts a song he looks like he's about to go to the bathroom. But he's not as bad as Meryl Streep. I think she made them let her be in this movie. Do you think Meryl Streep just thinks she's the best singer? Like she sits around around watching this movie thinking, "I'm Meryl Streep and I'm soooo good at singing."

Forget J.Lo, they should make Dolo the next American Idol judge. She clearly knows talent (or lack thereof) when she sees it!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Puppy Fever

Sometimes it is hard to be happy for even your very best friends. Last week was one of those trying times for me when Meredith sent me an email, "Free lab puppies, should I get one?" I think we both knew the answer to that question before she drove to the house.

A few hours later, she was a (dog) mama.

Considering I've been whining (and pranking) about obtaining my own puppy to smother with my love for years, watching someone else get one before me was hard. But then again, so is checking Facebook. "So and So got married." "She's having a baby." "They bought a house."

I guess you just have to come to terms with the fact that everyone's life moves forward at different paces. And clearly it is not the time for me to take on the responsibility of a puppy (according to my parents slash roommates.) In the mean time, Aunt Rachel will snuggle the crap out of this little angel (not literally, hopefully).

Guys, meet Liza. Could she be any cuter?

Please note these were taken at night when she was exhausted...until after a nap and then she was all "Playtime!" and we were all "Bedtime!" It's kind of like hanging out with my dad who falls asleep in his chair periodically between 7pm - 9pm and then wants to talk and talk and talk when you're trying to escape upstairs. Except you don't have to yell at him not to eat the rug.

Ohmygod I want one so bad!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cali Part V: San Fran

Unlike the other days of our road trip, there are no pictures of us driving from Monterey to San Francisco. This is because:

1) It was cloudy and overcast, not to mention we were on less-than-scenic, land-locked highways.
2) I insisted on painting my nails in the car during the journey.
3) I was too busy crying because my fledgling navigational skills had finally failed us and we ended up backtracking for like 30 minutes (my least favorite thing ever). Also I was a PMS hot mess. It was really special. Spiros surely enjoyed seeing this side of me. "Babe, it's fine!" "Nooooo, sniffle sniffle sniffle, I've ruined the trip!!!!" Good times!

Luckily I pulled myself together by the time we rolled into the city, and even better than my tears drying up, the forecasted rain also held off for the afternoon. We took advantage of the clear skies and walked from our (amazing) hotel on Fisherman's Wharf toward the Golden Gate Bridge. Much like my eyes at an all you can eat buffet, my legs were all "Sure, no problem, we can definitely walk seven miles round trip to get there! So glad to be freed from the car!" We made it about two miles to a cute little park with a great cafe for lunch where - dun dun DUN - we had another run in with seagulls. Seriously they can smell fear! We decided to turn around and head back to the wharf to explore some more before dinner.

As we were walking back, Spiros asked if any of my favorite TV shows were set in San Francisco. I explained how, since we'd arrived, the theme from Full House had been playing on an endless loop in my mind.

(Note to self: Make Spiros watch Full House so he understands an important piece of my child hood. And also why my friend Meredith calls him John Stamos aka Jesse Katsopolis. Spoiler alert: It's because he's Greek.)

Anywhere, where was I? Oh right, we had fun walking along the wharf, soaking up all the nautical goodness, when we stumbled upon a boat cruise about to set sail. We decided this would be a better way to get up close and personal with the Golden Gate Bridge as well as see Alcatraz. It was also a good opportunity to be surrounded by people who put my solo-shot taking to shame. I will let you guess what nationality they were...


Unfortunately toward the end of the boat cruise I went from zero to sixty in terms of feeling terrible. The  cold I had been battling off and on the entire trip had finally taken hold. I stocked up on medicine and tissues and we headed back to the hotel in defeat. While I felt bad that we weren't going to be able to do anymore site seeing, the saving grace was that we were staying in the greatest hotel in the history of hotels (if you are obsessed with with nautical things, that is). The Argonaut Hotel has every last detail dedicated to the sea and I'd be lying to say I didn't enjoy spending the entire evening hanging out in that hotel room. (The bathroom had octopus tentacle wall paper!!! Who else is weird enough to choose that?? Where can I get some?!?)

All in all it was a perfect trip (although if it'd been possible to add another day in to break up the driving, I would recommend it). If you ever get the opportunity to drive up the Pacific Coast Highway - do it! Or if you've ever wanted to do it - do it! And then afterward we can talk about how cool all the sea animals (not birds) were, okay?  

Thanks, babe, for such a wonderful memory!! Can't wait for our next adventure(s)!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh The Places You'll Go ... Out To Eat

Normally when I'm in Austin, I take on the role of Recluse Rachel. Sure I might make it to Town Lake to walk with a friend, or possibly a stop at one of my staple Tex-Mex places (Matt's El Ranch, Chuy's, Trudy's), but unfortunately I'm typically pretty been bad about getting outside of my comfort zone. (Or my pajama pants, if I'm being totally honest.)

While I still haven't made it to Top Chef winner Paul Qui's hot $pot Uchiko yet ($omeday!), last week I tried four new places in three days. Which is literally a record for me.

On Monday I reconnected with an old high school pal at Zocalo Cafe. Cute, bright place with a fun twist on Mexican food.

Tuesday brought me and beautiful blogger Jenni together at Hopdoddy Burger Bar on South Congress. The shroom/goat cheese/pesto burger is the new love of my life.

Then on Wednesday I went on not one but two great food outings. For lunch I tagged along with my mama and a wonderful family friend (hi!) to Mother's Cafe, a vegetarian restaurant in Hyde Park that's been open longer than I've been alive, but somehow I've never been.

Then later I reconnected with another friend, this time a former college sublet roommie, at Elizabeth Street Cafe, an adorable Vietnamese place on 1st street. I was craving a bahn mi sandwich, and while the choice I ordered was definitely not my favorite, the ambiance was. Definitely need to go back!

Any Austinites have any other favorite places I need to check out while I'm still in town? Perhaps somewhere muy casual so I can go in my "uniform" "uniform" I mean workout clothes. (As my mother and grandmother so sweetly agreed this weekend, I am really the Benjamin Button of regression. And that's totally cool with me.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cali Part IV: Drivin' To Monterey

My favorite day of our California adventure was the day we drove from Santa Barbara to Monterey. The skies were blue, our spirits were high, and the seagulls were as scary as ever.

Like most stories Spiros learned about me while he was in Austin ("One time I was chased by a pack of geese." "More than once I've been attacked by a swan."), while we were stopped for lunch in Pismo Beach, he learned about the traumatic time when a pack of wily seagulls descended down on me, my younger brother, and a bag of Cheetos. Only two of the three survived.

So when a giant (I'm talking the size of a large house cat) seagull started stalking us the minute we parked our topless car (haha, topless) at a park for lunch, I was on edge. "Babe, it's fine," he tried to console me. No sir, it's not fine. I've seen what those beasts can do. (Granted I was also like a third the size of the person I am today, so maybe I should just grow a pair?)

Instead I shrieked and shouted, covered our delicious BBQ picnic so they couldn't steal as much as a sweet potato fry, and acted like a general lunatic for the better part of thirty minutes. It was one of those experiences when Spiros got to see first hand exactly what he's getting himself into with me. After we finished eating (and survived the trauma of our seagull nemesis calling in for backup), we went to play on the cool aquatic mammal playscape. Because no matter what my driver's license says, I am a child.



A little ways up the coast, we saw the coolest thing of all time: A beach full of elephant seals. Like tons (literally) of blubber laying out. Known in some cultures as "spring break." I've never felt so svelte. I took about a million pictures, but those are for my private collection of things no one else is interested in. Here are just a few. (The red thing is a baseball cap, FYI.)

After that grand adventure, we continued up the coast toward Big Sur. If you haven't been there, drop whatever it is you're "busy" doing and go immediately! It's so beautiful! Like maybe the most beautiful place in Amuricuh! 

Finally we made it to Monterey. (Unfortunately the world famous aquarium was already closed for the evening and didn't open up until ten the next morning so we didn't get to go. Sad face emoticon.) But we still had a fun time walking through the town's farmers' market, along the bay's edge, and debating whether or not we should go to a quasi-shady-looking Mexican restaurant for "Dollar Taco Tuesday." Instead we ate a delicious meal next to our hotel, which after watching Bridesmaids later that night, I feel was the best call. (As hilarious as Spiros found the "bathroom scene," I think it would have lost its humor had it happened in real life.)


Last stop: San Francisco! Home to a million seagulls! Eeeeek!