Monday, April 30, 2012

Take Your Daughter To Work: Real Estate Edition

My mom - the best Realtor in Austin, not that I'm biased - has been trying to talk me into joining the business for awhile. After watching quite a bit of HGTV in Denver, I can't say it's not unappealing. 

Although I've heard plenty of one-sided business conversations for years, I haven't spent much time tagging along viewing properties. So when a family friend was coming into town to look at places, I figured it was a good opportunity to gain a better understanding of the (booming) Austin real estate market, not to mention play with her adorable little boy (because I have baby fever). 

Since their taste in modern houses matched my love for sleek design I snapped a few pictures to share. Does anyone have $500,000 laying around they want to invest in a Travis Heights home for me to live in? 


Seriously. Take all the time you need to think about it.

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