Friday, April 20, 2012

Summertime, And The Gettin' Dressed's Easy

I know it's not technically summer, but it's as hot in Austin as a New York June. And it makes me happy. (Also, actual Austin summers are typically pretty miz, so I need to soak it up now.)

Some might correlate this change in seasons with baby animals and longer days, but for me it's battling sunless tanner streaks, digging out a strapless bra, and lusting over warm weather clothes.

Colors, colors, everywhere! Prints and patterns abound! It's just all so fun. 

Plus getting dressed is way easier! The lack of layers - not having to remember a jacket, scarf, gloves, etc when you walk out the door - is so freeing. Throw on a cute sundress and sandals and you're ready to go! (Lolz, like I actually am wearing clothes other than wifebeaters and Nike running shorts.)

But my closet is full of sundresses just in case I get dressed.

Even so, Unemployed Rachel, who has no business shopping, has let the heat affect her judgment and might have done some totally necessary purchasing to get her ready for her favorite season. (As well as color-coordinating her wardrobe, because really, what else does she have to do?)

And you know what? It made me happy. And that's what life's about, right? Right??

PS: If you got the headline was a pun of a Sublime song, there is a reason we are friends.

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