Sunday, April 8, 2012

Matthew McConaughey & Deviled Eggs: Happy Easter From My Family To Yours

This was the first year since I moved to New York in 2008 that I've been home for Easter, and I was so glad I was able to spend it with my family. And Matthew McConaughey and his family. Seriously. They started going to my my parents' church. Camilla was wearing a hat. It was amazing.

Then my dads sisters and their husbands came over for a delicious lunch. While it was great to catch up with them (and field questions about the impending Spiros visit next week!), it was all very adult. I know, I know, Easter isn't really about bunnies, baskets, and egg hunts, but I won't deny that I love those traditions too.

Some of my favorite memories growing up were spending Easter at my grandparents' house on Lake Marble Falls. They had a beautiful, wide lot full of gorgeous flowers (I was definitely channeling my inner Grandma Connie with all my gardening last week!), and those Easter egg hunts were the stuff childhood dreams are made of.
Weren't they adorable? 

So, since we don't have any little ones around to entertain us, I spent the afternoon seeing how many Deviled Eggs I could eat without getting sick. (In first grade we had to do a "how to" project and I chose to make Deviled Eggs because I was a weird kid. So much has changed!)

The answer is nine, but the day isn't over.

Hope y'all had nice holiday weekends too. (And Happy Passover to my favorite Chosen One, Shawn!)

My momma sure can set a purdy table, huh?
Nothing says spring to me like stargazer lilies and pretty tulips! 

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