Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Conversations With My Mother: Home Office Edition

My mom: "That LillyBerlin elephant lamp shade really was a good purchase."

Me: "I know, I love how cute it is with the Babar print. I want to put them in my home office one day."

My mom gives me a look.

Me: "Yeah, having a home office is my new dream in life."

My mom: "Well, this [points to my bed] seems like a pretty nice home office to me."

Where the [blogging] magic happens.
Me: "I know. <Cackle.> Are you just figuring this out? I'm actually never leaving."

My mom: "What happens if you and Spiros get serious?"

Me: "How do you even know if really he exists? Maybe it's just all part of my elaborate lie to trick you into letting me live here forever by pretending like I have other options out there."

[For the record Spiros is real, and as much as I love my "roommates," I do plan on moving out...eventually.]

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