Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Conversations With My Grandma: Jason Segel's Love Life Edition

Dolo: "I totally know what you mean about Kristen Bell. I thought she was a brat too because of that role. And you're right about Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was under-appreciated when it came out. It's so good! I watch it whenever it's on TV, which it always is."

Me: "Me too! And I've been meaning to tell you, I heard Jason Segel has a new girlfriend. It's, oh shoot, what's her name. You know, My Week with Marilyn." [My brain just kept saying "Jenn-eh-fuh" over and over again in the grandmother's voice from Dawson's Creek. Lot of good that did me.]

Dolo: "Michelle Williams! Oh, I just love that! They would be great together!"

Me: "Yeah, I mean he seems like a great guy, and she has that adorable daughter. I feel like Heath Ledger would approve of Jason helping raise Matilda if it came to that."

In terms of step-dads, Jason and his puppets would probably be pretty awesome

Dolo: "I'm so glad you turned me on to how cute Jason Segel is. I just love him in everything."

Me: "I'm glad that our multi-generational celebrity crush has moved on from Hugh Grant to someone more worthy."

Dolo: "Well, maybe just more contemporary. Hugh is getting pretty old." [Don't worry, the irony of my octogenarian grandmother calling Hugh old was not lost on me.] 

Me: "But you know, even though I like Jason and Michelle together, I'm still kind of sad if he's not waiting around for me."

Me: "Oh right."

I assume everyone had conversations with their grandparents about this topic too, right?

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