Thursday, January 12, 2012

Making Up For Lost Time With My Favorites

While I was away from New York, I missed the food more than anything else. I mean friends, not food. My friends. My people. It's all about the people.

But also a little bit about the food. Okay, a lot about the food. 

Fine, I missed them both, truly, in their own ways. But definitely the food.

I'm leaving in two and a half weeks. I have to make up for lost time and get in as much food time as I can. I mean friend time! Gosh. My friends. They mean the world to me. As long as we're eating while we're hanging out. Which is pretty much always. So we have a great time together. Man, I'm going to miss them.

Anyway, thinking about all these feelings (of hunger? Perhaps love? Like the theme of Twilight: Maybe I Love You, Maybe I'm Hungry), I started making a list of some of my favorite places I've recently been to with some of my favorite people. Because this blog has now entered into the "personal record of my fun, awesome NYC life to look back on when I'm old and surrounded by cats dogs" phase. I'm sorry.

  • Les Halles with my two favorite grad students The BFF and Ashley where I ordered the amazing confit de canard with truffle potatoes and frisee salad. This restaurant has been a staple place since The BFF and I first moved here since it was located down the street from our first apartment. Highlights: Once we were seated next to Anthony Bourdain. Swoon.
  • Bite with Ole Miss Mollie where I ordered my favorite neighborhood combo meal, the eggplant/mozzarella/pesto panini and goat cheese salad. It is only $8. That is practically free.
  • Chipotle with myself on more than one occasion. Because I have issues.
  • Baoguette with Ashley for my favorite bahn mi in the city.
  • Momofuku Bar Bar with The Russian (blast from the past Part I) for whiskey cocktails.
  • El Camion, a new East Village mexican place, with LA Jim (blast from the past Part II). 
  • The Dutch with my ex J (blast from the past Part III) for a smorgasbord of delicious comfort food.
  • Five Points for a brunch catch up with some of my favorite girlfriends. The baked eggs with ricotta and roasted tomatoes was to die for.
  • Mermaid Inn with The Greek for dinner where we shared a lobster roll and fish tacos. Heaven.
  • Piola for the best white pizza ever (Sarajevo = smoked mozzarella and ricotta) for Wednesday Free Wine Ladies Night with my Ithaca pals.
A few other places I'm dying to enjoy again before I go:
  • Cafe Cluny for delicious food (and the memories of some great dates).
  • Shake Shack for Shake Burger and/or cheese-stuffed portabella burger. Or both if I have given up on 2012 at that point.
  • Momofuku Ssam Bar for the steamed pork buns and spicy pork sausage and rice cakes. 
What I want to try before I leave:
  • Minetta Tavern for the $26 Black Label Burger. Because it is important to be able to regale ridiculous tales of New York's fabulousness.

Hopefully I'll find some friends willing to accompany me on these culinary adventures. Otherwise it really will be all about the food. And then it's just sad.
(Or is it?)


  1. You are forgetting a very important restaurant from this list...Dos

  2. Go get the minetta right now...sit at the bar...beyond heavenly

  3. Although I'm thrilled for the next chapter in your life, I'm sad you're leaving! Holler if you need a partner in crime to accompany you to any of the spots on your wishlist before you go :)
