When I came back from Austin after the holidays, I spent an entire morning de-hoarding all of my belongings. And, to be honest, it was kind of a nightmare.
My first problem was that when I returned from Berlin I brought back two obscenely large and heavy suitcases both pushing the Business Class maximum, roughly the weight and difficulty to maneuver as two strong-willed kindergartners who are big for their age. I also had a small carry-on suitcase and a giant, overflowing purse. (It gave me a huge appreciation for moms juggling kids at the airport. How is that even possible? Can you take a class on that?)
And in addition to all that, when I got home I discovered I still had TONS of stuff I'd left behind. Considering when you're on the precipice of a Vagabond Adventure you should probably aim to travel fairly light, I realized I needed to start paring down my worldly possessions.
"Bless it and let it go," is a favorite phrase of my mother, taught to her by one of those professional closet organizer people. It is the perfect mantra to help you purge stuff you still like but know could stand to go. For example cheap Forever21 dresses that have been in way too many Facebook pictures already. Say goodbye. There will be others!
Back to the point of the story. That day in early January, I made myself two glorious piles: Donate and Sell. By the end, I trekked six bags of stuff to Salvation Army. And two other bags got shoved in the corner. These were full of items I felt like
maybe just
maybe someone would be willing to pay money for. Nothing that nice, but stuff that up until last Wednesday was part of my staple wardrobe, including
two of my prize man-repellent items from last year - the crazy fur sweater vest sweater and the long ballerina skirt. (The gay circus ringleader sequin jacket remains a fan favorite.)
Anyway, since I don't have the patience for eBay because mailing packages is the bane of my existence, I geared up to stop by Buffalo Exchange. It was not a difficult job. There is one only a few blocks away. I literally have nothing better to do.
Instead I kept avoiding it all week because I literally never feel as bad about myself as I do when I walk into that damn store and they reject every item I put on the counter. And you're all "Oh, really, you don't even like that super cute J.Crew skirt that I got tons of compliments on every time I wear it?" And your self esteem deflates like a punctured balloon, complete with hissing noise.
It's the worst, right? (Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? Please tell me it's not just me.)
Anyway, after I'd avoided the job long enough, finally yesterday, Friday, I made it a priority. I took the necessary time to pump myself up. I recited the "Bless it and let it go" mantra, and I told myself that whatever was meant to be was meant to be.
Because I'm a giant baby with a strong fear of rejection.
I walked in with my head held high. And you know what? It was great! The people were nice, I made some chitchat with strangers, they bought multiple pieces, including the man-repellent! I even got some compliments!
In terms of monetary value, I can order one ridiculously overpriced diner delivery breakfast in exchange for the goods I sold, but whatever. The high I felt walking to the counter to get my cash felt like when they play the National Anthem after someone wins a gold medal at the Olympics. (I'm assuming.)
And then that's when it happened.
I walked to the register, getting distracted by the bag hanging over the cashier's head. Tan leather, gold hardware, Jimmy Choo. $85. The guy caught me looking at it and asked if I want to see it.
Wellllllllllllll in that case, why not. Then the internal struggle started. The devil on my shoulder points out that I get $33 worth of store credit therefore the purse is practically free. The fiscally responsible angel doesn't bother fighting that flawless logic.
Plus, I mean, how many opportunities are there in life to get an almost perfect condition Jimmy Choo purse at a Buffalo Exchange for $50? Who am I to reject this good luck?
In other news, I got yelled at by a mean woman at the post office for approximately twenty straight minutes the other day, so I guess it all kind of evens out.