Monday, May 16, 2011

It's a Girl Thing That Guys Can Appreciate

All smiles at the bar later that night. 
On Saturday morning we waited for brunch. For two hours. I was on particularly good waiting behavior, considering I did not once throw my body on the ground in a tantrum, and I limited my complaints to "I vehemently hate whoever is not vacating the only five-top table in the entire restaurant." (If you know me, you should feel a combination of 'shock and awe' considering we all know patience is not my virtue.)

That's what you do, though, when you're a girl celebrating your close friend's birthday. You go to restaurants like Prune knowing that their anti-reservation policy and hole-in-the-wall occupancy might make you its bitch. But for your favorite friends, you'd cross the ocean to celebrate. (Or in the case of Birthday Event #2, cross the East River and head to Brooklyn.)

But it doesn't matter, because I'm a girl, and celebrating with friends is what we do.

On Sunday night when I went see Bridesmaids, I was reminded that putting in effort to make sure your BFF's have fun birthdays is small potatoes compared to weddings.

(As a girl who makes tons of inappropriate jokes, I felt compelled to boost the movie's opening weekend statistics. Not to get all bra-burn-y over here, but female comedies need to prove they have the balls to hang with the big boys. See what I mean, inappropriate!)

Anyway, the movie is hilarious and definitely worth seeing (although maybe 15 minutes too long, but I feel that way about almost all movies). Yes it might be centered around unnecessary drama that seems to get stuck on wedding planning like cat hair on spinsters' house coats, but it's got one thing legitimately appealing to both guys and girls:

Jon Hamm.

I mean sex jokes.

Moral of the story? Take your boyfriend to see the movie. Leave him at home for brunch. It'll make for a great weekend.

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