Tuesday, May 24, 2011


False advertising:
Go ahead and picture us looking this hot on our walk tonight.
Instead of writing another story about this past weekend, tonight I agreed to go on a walk in the warm weather with The BFF. Don't worry, I'll fill you in later on what a small world New York is and my second random Facebook friend run-in. (This time an Austrian guy I met years ago with The BFF on a crazy fun night at Bagatelle.)

Lately it has seemed like we've been saying 'no' to each other's requests due to different schedules/priorities/ etc, but I think it's starting to sink in that we only have a few weeks left together before who knows how long. Months and months. We've never done that before. [Insert ugly, crying, co-dependent face here.]

So instead of blogging, I accepted her offer to spend time together and soak up the warm weather. We had a nice walk. Did I mention how warm it was? This is what spring is all about. It was nice knowing you. All two days of you, spring.

And there was no better way to do it than a nice walk around a former drug-addicted homeless hangout (Tompkin's Square park). Oh New York, you've been wonderful. [Insert new anxiety about leaving the city.]

I promise to come up with some far more interesting stories tomorrow. Thanks for indulging me.


  1. Awww, I know. Sometimes it's hard to believe there's life outside of NYC! But I feel like with technology, it's so much easier if you have to be far away from your favorite people!

  2. don't you worry this was plenty interesting. all two days of spring indeed. le sigh.
