The inspiration for my latest date-meeting scheme started this summer with one decent looking guy who I would pass on the street each morning – him just getting off the subway, me hopping on to head uptown to work. We started seeing each other so regularly and catching eye contact that we both began to give slight acknowledgements to one another. I saw him recently for the first time in awhile. Minor look of familiarity. All is not lost, but doubtful anything will ever come from it.
I hadn’t seen him for awhile because I had to tweak my work schedule, leaving a little earlier than before. My Park Ave friend was replaced by a couple of interchangeable, cute guys in suits who all ride in the same car I specifically wait for each morning. For those of you have never experienced commuting via subway, you should know that it is a great day when autopilot takes over and you instinctively begin to line up to wait for the subway car that will let you off directly in front of your final destination’s exit.
Almost every day – depending on the time I left – I began to recognize the same guys, all of whom could potentially be The One. Okay, maybe that is a tad dramatic, but based solely on shallow first impressions, they all look like guys I would go out with. I mean, yeah sure it’s a long-shot to meet a guy on the street – or in this case underground – but so is meeting someone at a bar. But much like my Park Ave friend, there has never been an opportunity to break the ice.
This is when it hit me. I just need a purse full of cards to pass out to hot guys. Kind of like business cards, but not. While some people do hand out their business cards to strangers (e.g. FH 2.0), I know the IT guys at work, and I would rather not have "hey random girl on the street, thanks for picking me up" emails stored on the server. Plus, if my recipients are taken or are not interested, having my full name and place of employment makes things muy awkward, in my opinion.
What I need is an icebreaker card – a card with my name and email address. Just like an online dating profile. And maybe a funny joke or something. You know, to break the ice.
It’s like guerrilla marketing meets matchmaking – two strangers connecting. What would be the harm in that? I live in a city of millions of eligible bachelors, yet how come it seems like I never meet any of them? I need to expand my dating pool.
And, in the case with my subway boyfriends, I already know we have similar schedules. Dating convenience is something I hold in high regard. We could even be that annoying couple who commutes together ... although for the sake of those around me, I promise to limit my early-morning PDA.
So if society embraces this trend, or if I get ballsy enough to go rogue and print up a batch of these bad boys on my own, maybe the next time I see Park Ave I can casually slip him a card as he walks past ... and we'll see where things go from there.
Who could resist calling me after receiving this?
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