I love walking. I walk for speed. I don’t like to slow down unless I have to. Walk signals are suggestions rather than steadfast rules. But with that mindset, you have to pay attention.
Are you going to hit me, cabbie? Maybe. Don’t ever think no, just to be safe. It’s a little like a game of chicken. Both sides bluffing to see who will give way.
It’s fine – it’s a give and take relationship. Sometimes I may dart in front of your car if the red hand has just finished blinking (a few seconds ago); sometimes I’ll cut you some slack if I see the light turning yellow, and you’re determined to make it through the intersection.
The thing that really pisses me off though? Mixed signals.
Some drivers put on their blinkers pretending to turn and then change their minds while plowing through the intersection. You assume they’re doing one thing, then they make an instantaneous decision midway through and totally change course. Most likely having taken advantage of the opportunity to walk like a good New Yorker, you are now almost roadkill.
The opposite – when cars have on their blinkers, giving you the idea they’re continuing on their path and causing you to pause at the intersection, only to turn at the last second – is also aggravating. Couldn’t have given me a little heads up, buddy? You just wasted three valuable seconds of my life.
You know who else pulls moves like this? Wasting your time, or potentially recklessly risking your life because they didn’t think it was imperative to correctly use their signals?
You’re getting one signal – an obvious blinking light signal – and then he goes and does something totally the opposite.
Do you want to date me? Are you turning right?
Make up your mind. Don’t waste my time.
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