Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Well That's Unfortunate

At least it's pretty.
It's no secret that my mom is pushing for me to move home. But who will babysit your kids if you live in New York? Perhaps if I had a husband boyfriend anyone, that would be of a greater concern...

The fact of the matter is, though, I do think about moving back to Austin. Don't get me wrong, I love my life in New York, but I miss my family and friends like crazy, everyone knows that the ATX is an amazing city, and holy crap can I stop hearing about how it's 80 degrees down there while I continue to freeze my behind off in this never-ending arctic tundra?!

Another important factor I've kept in the back of my mind is that maybe I'd have a better shot of meeting The One in Texas. Because after more than 400 blog posts about my failures at dating over the past few years, I am clearly not making huge progress in the Peter Pan Capital of the World.

So the older and more single I get, I've started to seriously consider the possibilities. That is until I had the following conversation with one of my college BFFs who still lives there:

K: i really don't feel like i'm going to meet someone here. Guys in austin are NOT on the dating to marriage track. Austin is rated the "best city for singles"

me: OMG DONT SAY THAT. Yeah my mom sent me that article...

K: Meaning people STAY single. guys here are not interested in commitment.

me: I was banking on moving back to Austin to meet someone!

K: I want a boyfriend, a husband, and a family. I just don't know if I see that happening.

K: Your mom would kill me if she read this convo.

Yes, yes she might. Oh well, at least Austin still has warm weather...

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