A few months ago, my cousin made a
Felicity reference about Noel inviting everyone's favorite curly haired heroine to go to Berlin with him. Having not thought about that show in for-ev-er, a wave of nostalgia passed over me.
This weekend with no big plans and the onset stages of a cold leaving me with little energy, I decided to jump in the deep end of late-nineties' memories. Seventh grade to be exact.
I had forgotten so much about what happened in the show. I had blocked out how totally insane Felicity was in those first few episodes. (Watching that horrible display of CGS could not have been good for me at that young, impressionable age.)
It made me miss that feeling of moving to New York, getting your ass kicked, and then falling in love with it. It made me wish I were back in college, naive about the impending real world. It made me worry that soon Felicity would cut off all her hair! If only I could go back to stop her! (I haven't gotten to that episode yet, thank God.)
Re-watching it all felt weird. It wasn't the same. Then, about half way through the first season, it hit me. My original viewing of these episodes took place years before my first boyfriend. Before my first heartbreak. Before my first kiss even. I was literally a different person. It was a another world.
I remember being devastated when Ben liked Julie instead of Felicity. I had been there! I loved popular guys from afar too! Does this mean they won't fall in love with me one day? What if I make a really big effort?
I realize now, the answer is no, they will never like you. Get over it. While Ben does have perfect hair, he is kind of a moron. He basically has no real personality. He's not even a brooder. He's just sort of there. Sitting under a mop of beautiful hair. Much like the middle-school crushes of yeaster-year, he probably won't amount to much. You can do better. You will do better.
I remember thinking that it was so cool to live in that co-ed dorm full of interesting people. With your own answering machine! People leaving notes for you on your door. All those parties! So much drama right down the hall!
OMG can you even imagine how they managed to actually make plans without cell phones? Always asking "Did you get my message?" How could she, Noel, if she wasn't in her room? Oh the humanity being tethered to that cord. Having spent my first year in an all girl's dorm living with The BFF (things got a lil' dicey toward the end), I can tell you if we had added the presence of guys in that situation, it would not have ended well. Thank goodness Towers was just down the block. (The UT freshman dorm equivalent to Animal House. Sigh. The good ol' days.)
I remember wondering why Felicity wore so many damn sweaters. Coming from Austin, where there are approximately eight brisk days of fall/winter per year (which I really, really miss btw), I just did not understand this fashion choice. And those horrible long, colored-denim skirts. Terrible. But I always liked her leather backpack.
I don't hate all of her bulky sweaters! They are kind of 2000-and-late, right? Plus New York is cold. I bet those dorm rooms are draftp And the backpack is still timeless.
Maybe it's the cute Chosen One vibe? | | |
I remember feeling so betrayed when Noel's stupid girlfriend Hannah showed back up. (Jennifer Garner has never had a more vilifying role.) SHE RUINED THEIR LOVE! Then oh no Felicity, don't do it. Don't sleep with beautiful bad boy artist played by porn-star-turned-"serious"-actor Simon Rex! Even though he is wearing a really cool necklace and wants to "draw you"! Noooo, how could you do that, slut??
The minute Simon's character made his debut, my brain immediately screamed, "Sexy Andy Samberg!!!!" And then it was ruined for me. Actually, no, Noel ruined it for me. Um hello, what did you expect Felicity to do when you left with stupid duck-faced Hannah? Don't you dare blame this on her. Having actually had my heart crumpled by basically a replica of ugly-shirt-wearing, "I'm a nice guy, I swear" Noel last fall, I have zero pity for him. Good riddance, Felicity. You can do better. Plus Simon is undeniable hot. Even though I will now subtract points for the pooka shells, and the portrait sketch she gives up her v-card for is comparable to what you can buy in Central Park for $20, I don't blame her. Noel is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, if you are faced with hours of uninterrupted time, I would totally recommend revisiting an old favorite. It is amazing how thirteen jaded years can change your perspective.
I leave you with the best quote of the entire show:
Felicity: "Why do you have a webpage?" Noel: "Why does anyone have a webpage? Too much free time, not enough friends, justify owning a computer."Bwahahhaa. Basically sums this blog up prettttty well, huh?