Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Until Next Year

After being in the Christmas spirit for over a month in Germany, it was nice for it all to culminate at home with my family in Austin. The past few days have consisted of the staple holiday activities like eating, laughing and working puzzles. (I wish our society put a higher premium on the ability to work a puzzle, if so I would be the queen of the world, which is just what we all need.) There was also a multi-hour stint of baking, something I never do. (Mostly because my brain is censored with the "See dough. Put in mouth." instructions.) And then there were the presents. I am now the proud owner of an iPhone, hence the bounty of Instagram photos in the future. I know, you are beyond excited.

The cutest picture of me from child hood. Sorry I don't like you enough to share the one of me with a mullet. Maybe next year.
Thanks to our Aunt Barb, Christmas morning remains a time for playing and dressing up. I am channeling my inner Ron Swanson in this photo.

Hope y'all had a great Christmas too!

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