Friday, December 30, 2011

And On To The Next

By all accounts, 2011 was a good year for me. I had some adventures, made new friends, caught up with old ones (hi!), traveled around Europe, and played with puppies. It was indeed The Year of Something.

But hopefully that wasn't my peak.

I can feel the second wave of my quarter life crisis encroaching. Things are changing. It makes me nervous. Although, unlike in 2009, this time I feel more prepared to harness my restless energy for a positive push forward. (At least I hope to.)

I see 2012 as a year of inspiration, of figuring out what I want and how I can accomplish it. I wish the same clarity, perspective, and motivation to you as well.

And if you're not interested in that, below are some pictures of my dog Jesse trying to make out with me as pay back for insisting he be in a picture.

To 2012: A Year of Getting What You Want.

Real attractive, I know.

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