Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Hope This Gets To Them

So by now you've heard the story about how a guy enlisted his roommates - The Daylights - to make a video for his girlfriend who moved away to grad school. A viral (marketing) love letter that gets to her "organically."

My friend Brooks, quickly becoming my favorite West Coast gossip girl, has all the first-person details on her blawg. Obviously.
Word is spreading fact. Gawker's Gizmodo posted it, OK Magazine wrote about it, Katy Perry Tweeted it, and even my own mother put it on Facebook!

In case you haven't seen it yet, here ya go:

I love grand gestures. And I love this song and video.

But what do I love even more?

Those eyes. That bone structure. That hair. They're still dreamy. Sigh.
Discovering that this band The Daylights is the same band that used to come to my church's middle school and high school youth group events. Once I spent a week with them.

The twins, Ricky and Ran Jackson, were oh so dreamy, talented, and genuinely great guys. Highschool Rachel loved them.

And I'm so happy they're making it big. They deserve it.

(Mom, if you're super bored, there are pictures of me with them in one of my photo albums in my old room the guest room. If you scan one and send it to me so I can update this, you'll be my favorite mom. Ha, now you can see how it feels using the "favorite" incentive in front of a noun that there's only one of in our family, i.e. "favorite daughter"! xoxo)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! At the end I was like, um, what exactly do you want me to do in your bedroom? But your mom, that makes sense. LOVE the video and such a cute idea!
