Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Dog Said It All

Awhile ago I wrote about how you can tell if a guy is taken and/or gay by the type of dog he has. Basically, if a guy is walking a small, white, fluffy dog, chances are it's his girlfriend/wife's or he's gay. 

Yeah, this is what you would call a stereotype. You might find that offense. Well, here's a secret I've learned living in New York: most stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. 

I'm just sayin'.

Princess needs to go out.
So this little nugget of insight caught me off guard today when I left the gym and saw an incredibly attractive guy, whose workouts frequently coincide with mine, tethered to a maltese. Talking to another man with a maltese. Hearing his voice for the first time, my theory was solidified.

I'd really thought my gaydar had gotten pretty accurate, but this one snuck right by me. I mean, he does work out a lot, and he has incredibly toned vanity muscles (props for you if you get that Always Sunny reference), but I just thought maybe he was just a lil' conceited!

Nope. Just another attractive gay man. Which is great since there's a shortage of those in this city!

P dot S: In case Santa happens to click on the link to my post from last December, I'm still in the market for a bulldog puppy. K thanks!

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