Monday, December 13, 2010

"Guide to Grandmahattan"

That's what The BFF suggested I change my blog title to last week because apparently I'm boring and not providing her with the quality of dating drama posts she requires.

"You spent last night hanging out with an engaged friend and eating an entire pie!" And your point is?

So on Thursday night I agreed to go out with her. Did I meet someone? Yes.

"Hey do you want to come home with me and pass out?"

Um no.

And the hibernation continues.

(And so does the propensity that we become crazy cat ladies. Which reminds me, have you noticed that there are an awful lot of commercials focused on cat health lately? Not that there's anything wrong with preventing feline obesity, just an observation about advertising targeting a newly-discovered demographic. See below:)

It didn't have to be this way.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha you are far from being a cat lady!

    There's nothing wrong with a little pie every now and then :)
