Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dating Detox

For the last two holiday seasons, I was in a relationship. (Same boyfriend, two separate attempts at dating.) Now I'm alone. Well, I have The BFF. So that's something. But in terms of guys, I am incredibly single. And it's going to stay that way until March.

Last year I wrote about the Turkey Drop. Basically, whatever your relationship status is at Thanksgiving will continue past Valentine's Day. So there you go. It's science. Like the Farmer's Almanac or whatever.

To add to my chronic condition of single-itis, I just realized I'll only be in town one weekend between now and January 15. Everyone knows vacations are potential-relationship killers.

Plus, you know, I have some really important activities I need to cross off my agenda during the next few months:

- Staying warm inside (preferably wearing sweat pants). I think in some circles it's known as hibernating.

- Eating. It's the holidays. Also, sometimes food seems like love. Or makes up for the lack thereof. Whatever, it's awesome and there's so many delicious opportunities this time of year. 

- Celebrating with friends. Combine it with the above point, and it makes calories count less I think. (Yes, science is my thing.)

- Working out. This holiday-related obesity is not going to combat itself.

- Watching the following Christmas movies on TV no matter how many times you've seen them:
  1. Home Alone
  2. Home Alone 2
  3. Elf
  4. Christmas Vacation
  5. A Christmas Story
So that about covers what I'm up to as part of my Dating Detox. Unless of course you happen to have Prince Charming's phone number, in which case, I guess I could slightly deviate from my winter plan...

(Let's be honest, this Detox might also end with a Bloomin' Onion.)

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