Monday, October 25, 2010

The Hunt: Welcome to Preppy Paradise

Is it worth spending a hundred dollars to surround yourself with cute, fratty (as those of us from UT would say) guys in a beautiful fall setting? Um yes!

The Hunt - an annual horse race in Far Hills, New Jersey - is apparently "THE place to go meet someone before the holidays so you'll have someone to date through the winter." No, I'm not even joking, that is what a woman told one of the Texas girls I went with this past weekend.

A-mazing. Sign me up.

The day started early at Penn Station where instead of being surrounded by hundreds of homeless people like I was on my way home to Austin a few weekends ago, preppy blondes and cute guys stretched for as far as the eye could see.

College, is that you?

Now the real Hunt veterans boarded the train with mimosas in hand, but as rookies we were just happy to have coordinated the trip in the first place. (In hindsight, it was a good call to wait to booze - we were not in fact "way behind" - and I have a feeling my aging body would not have handled it well.)

After an almost two hour journey of admiring the fall foliage - OMG the colors are so beautiful - we finally arrived.

Swept up in a sea of riding boots and Ray Bans, we made our way to the field where the race was to take place. Plots, as they're called, are basically little tailgates all neatly lined up and numbered, making the people watching even easier. By people watching, I obviously mean hot guy checking out.

Because our group included my favorite little social butterfly Alexandra, we flitted from group to group to say hi to people. By people, again I'm talking about cute guys.

I'm pretty sure I saw a few horses in between all of this, mind you. And, just in case you're very curious, I did meet one guy. Things I know about him: he is cute and lives within walking distance to my apartment. Does that make him a good candidate for a potential winter boyfriend? I'd say so. You know, if I ever see him again.

All in all it was a wonderful day. Beautiful weather, fun friends, what more could you ask for?

Me and Alexandra in transit! Oh the anticipation!

I am wearing my new J.crew "swacket." = sweater jacket.
Patented phrase, feel free to adopt.

Please note all the preppy guys in the background. Sigh.

Molly, Emmy, and me documenting our excitement.

Oh look, there are the horses!
Thanks to Alexandra for letting me steal the pics!
Fall, this is why you're my favorite season. New Jersey, you aren't so bad after all.

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