Thursday, October 14, 2010

Austin City Limits

Another glorious ACL has come and gone. By all accounts, it was the best weather and festival conditions in its history. That’s because I put in a special request with Mother Nature for the sake of my friend Ashley’s first visit to Austin. Like I’ve said before, I’m a really good hostess.  

As you can see from this sign, we were really
excited for Ashley to come visit.
We got in town Friday morning after waking up early. By early, I mean late at night when some people were just coming home from the bars. At least we had that extra full day in town, but holy crap were we tired.

A few hours after we arrived, our festival festivities started at my friend S’s parent’s house. Living within walking distance to the ACL grounds, they are the ultimate Austin welcoming crew. VIP treatment from them includes Patron shots and matzoh ball soup. Amazing.

Before we made our way to Zilker Park, a few other groups came and went from her house, including a gaggle of UT freshmen girls. During a chat with one of them, she used the phrase, “Yeah, when I turned 18 a few months ago, I felt so old.”

Um what? I put back in my dentures and shed a tear. I would have punched her in the face, but my arthritic hand couldn’t form a fist. Damn you 25. (And yes I know those of you over 25 are rolling your eyes; youth is relative.)

Anyway, where was I? Music festival, right. During the course of the weekend, we saw the Black Keys, Robert Randolph & the Family Band (one of my all-time favorite musicians), part of Phish, a few Strokes' songs, Broken Bells, Local Natives, The xx, The Constellations, Trombone Shorty and the Orleans Avenue (another fave), Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Band of Horses, Norah Jones, and the Eagles.

If you know anything about all the great bands at the festival, you might be like omg why didn't you see [Insert hipster band here]??? A) I'm not that into hipster music. B) As part of my No Stress Fest, I didn't worry about making it by every show just to say I did. Nor did I have to track down every friend who was there. It was lowkey and it was awesome.

Ash, me, S, and her law school buddy

It's so weird I didn't run into more friends. I mean, there were
only like 65,000 people there.

Like I said, perfect weather.

Great weekend.
In addition to ACL, our trip consisted of me giving Ashley a detailed 22-year recap of my life in Austin. Since I'm currently in a Maybe I Love You, Maybe I'm Hungry stage of my life, a lot of the highlights included a high-caloric intake.

Much like Christmas movies, I have a Top Five list of favorite Austin restaurants. Much like the cinematic choices on that holiday entertainment ranking, none of the restaurants are the best quality or award-winning, but in terms of nostalgia, comfort, and all-around likeability, they’ll always have a place in my heart.

On Friday we walked down Barton Springs for a mid-afternoon snack and marg break at Chuy’s. "This was the place where George Bush's daughter, who is now a TV correspondent, got in trouble for a fake ID. "

During the day on Saturday we went to lunch with one of my best college friends – newly married in June – to Matt’s El Rancho. "This is the place where we came for a senior night in college...[which turned out to be one of the funniest nights of my life for reasons that are not bloggable]."

Saturday night we ate at Stubb's. "This is where we had my college graduation party. Then Andy Roddick had his reception here too. I am clearly a trend-setter."

The girls at Stubb's.
Stubb's has been in my life practically since it started. My mom's cousin Eddy used to bring us cases of barbeque sauce and t-shirts when we were young. It's great to see how insanely well-known it's become. It's also awesome that Eddy hooked me and Ashley up with tickets that night to see the Black Keys after show. BBQ and live music, has there ever been a better combination??

After the show I took Ashley to 6th Street, the place of many long-lost college memories. It was a legendary night, including dancing to Shout at 311 with a group of guys who had just left the wedding of a former crush. Oh small town Austin. Gah.

Two Jimmy John’s sandwiches and a stolen cab later (what can I say, we're aggressive New Yorkers?!), we called it a night. Well, technically after a few more hours at S's house - you know the party don't stop till 4 in the mornin...

The only history she learned from the Texas State
History Museum was about my friend's wedding
that took place there. I figured that was sufficient
Sunday we went on a boat ride on Lake Austin, stopping at The County Line for lunch with my family. Yes, if you're keeping track, that was two back-to-back bbq meals. This is the big leagues, try and keep up.

On Monday my mom and I took Ashley on a tour of U.T., including a stop at my former sorority residence, otherwise known as the best place I will ever live (although seeing the lunch buffet set up for the girls - including homemade cheesecake - made remember I had zero self-control there..probably for the best to be away from that temptation).

After three and a half days of non-stop The Life of Rachel Tour, Ashley has assured me she has plenty of material to write my biography. It will obviously be a best seller. Among my family members.

She is also now well-versed in the awesomeness of Austin. The funniest part was after driving her by the Whole Food's headquarters for a second time, my mom joked that she was thinking, "It's just another freakin' city! Get over it!"

But it's a city we love. And it was a great trip. Thanks to my parents (and S's parents!!) for everything! Love yall.

What starts here changes the world.


  1. Ahh! I was SO SAD to have missed ACL this year. Stupid work/adult responsibilities. GRR. And you're right, the weather was absolutely INSANE this year. Glad to see you had a great time & hit the ATX highlight tour! HOOK'EM! :)

  2. i am so jealous! i am dying to go to austin and have always wanted to experience ACL... and don't even get me started on the barbeque.
