I wish I could call Bill Murray to get rid of my ghost run-in problem! |
Running into the former Psychoface Roommates = beyond terrible.
Recently The BFF and I have had two very close encounters with our least favorite people in the city. In case you missed it the first time, here's the Psychoface Former Roommate back story.
The time living with them was hell. Pure, unbridled, full-of-rage hell. Just thinking about it makes me physically shudder.
When we moved out, it was not on good terms. By that point, I no longer cared. I just wanted to be gone. The final straw was getting rid of the living room furniture that I'd bought when we first moved in two years earlier.
All of it was very much "I bought this from my neighbor for cheap" quality. I offered to sell it to them, but they refused so I put an ad on Craigslist. I got rid of some of it (although they did their best to sabotage that as well), and Ruby demanded I get rid of the rest on specific days so I wouldn't get ticketed for non-trash pickup. Oh you mean because she would tattle on me? That's right.
Anyway, I followed her request and forced J help me lug the heavy loveseat down the stairs and outside. Not anything I would do for recreation, I promise.
Then the next day, according to Facebook documentation, The BFF and I realized they had carried it back up stairs!! Instead of just telling me it was fine to leave it there. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh rage blackout.
So anyway, needless to say we never wanted to see them again. And so far so good.
Until about a month ago, when Ruby walked directly in front of my office's street level glass doors.
I paused like how you're supposed to if you see a T-Rex (because as we all know from Jurassic Park, one of the greatest movies ever made, that they can't see you if you don't move!).
Luckily I'm a quick thinker. I realized based on my office's location that Ruby was probably heading to the downtown 4/5/6 platform at Grand Central. Not enough space to ensure I wouldn't run into her so I walked all the way home just to be safe. Another thing you should probably do if you encounter a T-Rex - modify your escape route, it's worth it.
Since that scare, I knew it was only a matter of time before something else happened. Last Friday to be exact when The BFF came face-to-face with Brandi at Trader Joes. They did not speak, but it was still painful. Her bitchery ascends verbal communication.
In case your October is just flying by like mine, I'll remind you that Halloween is in a few weeks. And apparently this city is full of ghosts. Spooky.
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