Tiger drama hasn't gone away since I wrote about it here, and now it looks like Elin is done.
I'll be honest, I'm over it too. We get it - everyone is a big slut. Men, women, celebrities, regular people.
But the question that seems to be coming to light from all this is -
Marriage is a commitment AND - due to politics - A PRIVILEGE.
(Now, I'm not going to get all raged up about our society again (once is enough this week, I think), and I have plenty of thoughts regarding the same-sex marriage debate, but I will say one thing: When celebrities are allowed to get married on a whim (hello, Khloe Kardashian and her one month courtship/race to the alter with bball player Lamar Odom) and then later divorced (pretty much every celeb couple ever), IMO that pretty much destroys the sanctity of marriage we're allegedly preserving by not letting gay couples get married. So unless Cali and New York want to ban that too, we're all just a bunch of hypocrites.)
Back to Tiger...J sent me an article earlier from the WashPo quoting Redskins RB Clinton Portis who made a similar point to what The BFF and I discussed last night - if the "perks of your celebrity status" aren't out of your system - if you're not going to be content being faithful - then Just (don't) Do It! No one put a gun to your head to MAKE you marry a smokin' hot Swedish model.
Yes, there will always be temptations, and had this been a one-off incident, maybe Elin would be more willing to forgive his indiscretions. But 14+ *alleged* temptations you just couldn't turn down, Tiger? I mean, I get that when you have a rare opportunity to hook-up with a more-plastic-than-real reality star contestant turned hooker, you just can't turn that down...
Oh wait, no I don't get that...you're just a man-whore.
End point: Don't get married. Spare the Future-Mrs.-Cheated-On. Spare your children. Spare your bank account that's going to be hit hard by your lost endorsement deals and how much you owe her.
And please, for the love of God, don't pull an A-Rod and run post-divorce into the crazy-scary arms of Madonna.
Wise words, Rachel. I respect the fact that Elin had no sympathy for this behavior and quickly got out of there...I have been shocked in the past few years to see so many wives of high-profile men (including Mr. Spitzer, whose mistress has already been addressed in this blog :) stand by- at least publically- their cheating husbands. I like Elin's style.