When you don't have an obvious indicator, it's hard to know for sure if he's actually checking you out, or - if you're the one checking him out - if it's worth your time.
So I've developed a few theories, one of which is:
How to tell a guy's relationship status by his dog
• Miniature anything, especially of the white and/or fluffy variety: Don't waste your time. He is either: a) in a relationship with a girl who made him buy a dainty ball of fluff; b) he broke up with a girl who made him buy a dainty ball of fluff and, let's be honest, now probably has some emotional baggage in addition to the physical baggage in the form of the aforementioned dainty ball of fluff; c) he's gay.
• Dog wearing any article of clothing: See the first bullet.
Okay obviously I really only have one actual observation that has any credibility, e.g. guys walking totally girly dogs aren't worth your time, so the truth is I just wanted to attach a ton of doggie pictures. Because I love to torture myself with things I can't have. Wah wah.
Also, in case Santa is curious, any of the following are acceptable Christmas gifts:
Santa is reading, and would love to get you any of the cuties shown! but will I then have to endure blogs about dog shit?