Sorry for my lack of posts, I've been very lazy (well, really just too busy eating non-stop, but, hey, that's what the holidays are for, right?) and traveling. I journeyed to Austin to see the fam and to be harassed about when I will be moving back. Now that I've returned to the frigid north, I'm thinking tomorrow. Just kidding, Mom.
Also, on my flight home, I sat next to a nice girl (lady? woman?) who is also from Austin and has lived in NYC for almost 15 years. She is my new role model. Kidding, sort of. Also her name is Mimosa. Badass.
Who knows how long I'll stay in Manhattan, but I will be here for at least another year now that The BFF and I have officially started our apartment hunt. One month to find something. Moving in the city is quite possibly the most stressful undertaking imaginable, but hopefully we will a) find something perfect, b) not kill each other, c) not be homeless.
Cross your fingers! And now that I'm back, I promise I will entertain you with tons of really great stories, or something.
Good luck w/ the apt hunt!