Golden Globe (the other GG) nominations were released yesterday, and the adorable cupcake Joseph Gordon-Levitt was nominated for one of my fav movies this year (as was the film itself)!
If you haven't seen it, you should.
I heart it.
Also, The BFF and I had a WTF moment when we learned Sandra Bullock was nominated for
The Proposal. Now, I didn't see the movie - and I don't hate her (she's got an Austin restaurant "Bess") - and I think Ryan Reynolds is great (read: hot). But seriously?? From what I heard from my cinematic snob of a grandmother - the most awesome kind of grandma who owns
Wedding Crashers and took me to see
Bad Santa - The Proposal "wasn't horrible" and Sandra "wasn't that annoying."
But does "wasn't horrible and
that annoying" warrant a major award? Hmmm... in'neresting call, Hollywood Foreign Press Association...
P dot S, speaking of Dolo (my grandma, yes we call her by her first name, I don't know why, it's just what we
do), she sees all the major Oscar award nominated movies. So if
500 Days is nominated (as GG's are usually the precursor), you're welcome, Dolo, for me making you see it the last time I was in Austin - there's one thing you can cross off your list.
Hooray for being home this time next week!!
playing dress up with her YSL lipstick because I'm seven.
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