Friday, August 14, 2009

Match.Mom – Why There’s a Chance I Could End Up with an Arranged Marriage

A recap of my life growing up:
Mom: Rachel, that guy over there is really cute, let’s go talk to him.
Me: No, Mom, I don’t want you to be my wingman.

Fast forward to present day:

My parents just came to visit me in New York, and we had a fantastic time. One of my mom’s favorite activities while she was here was playing a little game called, “Hey Rachel, that guy is checking you out.”

Being slightly oblivious/ambivalent, I don’t typically pick up on that all the time on my own - but luckily Mom was here to do it for me! Awkward.

Now that she’s back in Austin, I guess we can continue with our typical guy-related conversations that go a little something exactly like this:

Me: I met a cute guy last night.
Mom: How tall is he?
Mom: How does he feel about moving to Austin?
Me: I don't even know his last name, so somehow his height and future living preferences didn't come up...


Mom: Hey my friend has a cute, tall son.
Me: Does he live in Texas?
Mom: Yes
Me: That does me no good...but thanks?
I'm just letting you know.

Are we starting to sense a pattern here?

Thinking that maybe it was just her, a new gem was added to the mix when one of HER friends PUBLICLY stated on Facebook that she would fix me up with her son after looking at our NYC photos.

My mom's response? “Send his info to Match.MOM.”

This is my life.

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