Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Match.Mom Part II

So after years of proactively trying to find me some good catches, my mom has finally found the key to fixing me up – Facebook photos and long-lost friends.

Way more interactive than her showing me friends’ sons’ pictures on Christmas cards like she used to ...“Wow, so and so’s son got really cute this year”...What a good family holiday tradition.

At first I was wary of a bunch of middle-aged parents allowed to have access to such stalker-enabling technology but I’ve changed my mind thanks to this little FB message sent to me the other day:

“See below [a message sent from a woman she hasn't seen in 40 years mentioning her son could be a potential love match for me], her son is an orthopedic surgeon! Finishing up his residency :)! want me to download his pic to send you?”

Of course before I had a chance to respond she had already sent me a picture, stolen from his mother’s photos. [Note: Stalking is genetic – is it any surprise I am the way I am?]

With this service it’s like I don’t even need to TRY and date in person anymore! And, unlike the actual, I don’t have to pay a subscription fee - I asked! Best of both worlds seeing as how I’m fairly lazy and cheap.

Unfortunately aforementioned doctor has a few more years in Houston, and well, you know, I live in New York… We’ll put this one on the back burner (his picture was fairly cute).

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