Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Texting Case Study: Creepsters

I get some text messages that are the virtual equivalent of cat-calls from sketchy guys loitering around Kips Bay. Like, no way, “Oh hey there luscious I wanna get wit that,” is ever going to work, buddy. Anyway, sometimes I give out my number to ok-seeming guys to regret it after just one text.

For example:

2:30 am: “Why am I still thinking about you?”
3:15 am: “Still remembering the white dress???”

2:00 pm:
“Hi sorry to keep bothering you but I can’t stop thinking about you.”

4:45 pm: “Not fair, I like you and want to get to know you.”

We met at 1 am for 15 minutes, we are not soulmates.

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