Timing is half the battle. I constantly listen to friends (and myself) complain about meeting great guys only to have both people be consistently booked up so there is no opportune time for schedules to overlap.
The end of the summer is busy for everyone. Money is tight. You’re lazy. You have better things to do. You have different priorities. Things keep getting pushed back.
Dates get relegated to weeks in advance only to get re-scheduled further into the future. Even if things do work out to meet up occasionally, it’s so sporadic that nothing ever really gels. There is no forward momentum.
Eventually it turns into a hassle. Negotiations stall. Things between you either get relegated to the Closed file, or maybe in the queue of random off-hand texting with no expectation that any plans will ever materialize.
I am a planner so this purgatory.
Does this sound familiar? It’s a little like reading about the long-suffering problems of the MTA. For those of you who are not familiar with the bureaucratic agony that is the Metropolitan Transit Authority, it is the most poorly and inefficiently run organization in the history of the world.
It has plenty of problems, just like dating in the city.
So I ask - what is a harder task to accomplish in Manhattan - completing a new subway line or finding a boyfriend?
It’s a toss up.
I’m pretty sure I’m on track to find a serious relationship about the time the long-awaited 2nd Avenue subway line opens up.
The line, which was first mentioned in 1920, is promised soon!
2015. Excellent news indeed...
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