Sunday, October 23, 2011

Las Ramblas Is Spanish For "Watch Your Purse"

Might as well share with you the last of the Barcelona pictures, right? What else better do you have to do? Don't answer that.

Where the magic happens.
In case you are in the market for something other than a hamster.

Who doesn't love a good food market? 
Most beautiful booth ever.

Bridesmaids make their friends do crazy things all around the world apparently.
Hooray hidden jack-o-lanterns among the produce!
Pinterest has really done wonders for my light fixture obsession. Please admire these bad boys.

I see you!

Adios, Espana!


  1. Fun Rachel - wish we would have been there at the same time! I loved Las Ramblas but were those guys with the annoying buzzers still there?! AH! Miss you, have fun :)
