Friday, October 21, 2011

Guadi's Architectual Fairytale

In the George Costanza "I'm an architect!" secret dream profession sort of way, Antonio Guadi is my hero.

There are few people who have so masterfully captured that creepy creative feeling for mass success (Dr. Seuss and Tim Burton for example), but looking at his works of art around the city, there is no denying that Guadi has left his mark on the world with his Barcelona buildings.

His whimsical style is the only thing I remember from my first trip to there, the last stop on a month-long "backpacking" tour of Europe. Considering I was also suffering from the most painful third-degree sun burn slash sun poisoning I got a few days earlier in Southern France, I have pretty much blocked out everything else, but boy were those buildings awesome.

Here are a few of the photos from his Park Guell and only one lame one from Sagrada Familia because I was not really in the picture-taking mood when we stopped by. But really, I hope you can see them for yourself one day, because I promise these snapshots don't do them any justice.

Someone got a little crazy with her photo editing...

These parrots are fellow Guadi enthusiasts.

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