Wednesday, October 12, 2011

For Your Reading Pleasure: Mindy Kaling

This week has pretty much consisted of me going to work, leaving my mom and grandma to fend for themselves (in the rain, no less), and then coming home to meet them for dinner. Since I can't take part in their during-the-day entertainment, last night I figured a good way to impress them was to whip up a delicious meal of creamy tomato soup and grilled goat cheese sandwiches. It was a big hit. Then I realized another good thing to do is to let them think I invented dipping aforementioned sandwiches into aforementioned soup because everyone likes to learn something new. Our girl is a genius. I mean, obviously.

Anyway, since I don't have much to offer you in terms of real stories, here are a few funny things written by Mindy Kaling to entertain you in place of some anecdote about something awkward I did that one time:

Her take on "Flick Chicks" in the New Yorker is hilarious. As is her new website/blog The Concerns of Mindy Kaling. Her first book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, recently came out which I WILL be downloading on my iPad (hopefully) very soon. (Not having wireless internet in my apartment is a very difficult first-world problem I am having to overcome. I think it's helping me to become a bigger person.)

I like to think that Mindy and I would be friends in real life. Another person to add to my list of "Funny Women Who I Would Like To Get To Know Over Brunch."  Let me know if you want to be included in the reservation.

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