Monday, September 19, 2011

"Guide to MENhattan? What Were You Doing There?"

That was the first reaction from The German after I sent him the blog link. Pretty funny, huh?

The second night of Ashley's visit he joined us at Prater Biergarten for dinner. We had a great time telling stories, and of course since the majority of mine are recycled bits that I have also written about, Ashley mentioned more than once "Oh yeah I read about that." (That's what you get when you fly around the world to see me: More of the same!)

Although The German didn't take the bait and ask about it then, the next morning I figured it was time to get it out in the open. Considering he seemed to enjoy me in my element with one of my best friends (aka sillier than normal), this was the next test.

After his first message about the title, he sent a follow up message later thanking me for taking up his entire morning at work. His response to me writing about him? "Great blog. I never had anybody to write about me (at least not that I know of). Spent the time reading the blog chuckling to myself (tried to translate "schmunzeln" but there is no real translation)."

This reaction was better than expected and proved that there are some guys out there who are big enough to handle it all. More importantly it served as a reminder I deserve nothing less.

So dankeschön for being a good sport.

More on the rest of my Ashley adventures soon!

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