I did not feel good when I woke up today after my first night in my new German apartment. Maybe I was homesick. Maybe I was uncomfortable in the abundant amount of space I will call home for the next four months. Maybe it had something to do with the copious amount of alcohol consumed over dinner last night. Who knows. It's really difficult to point a finger.
So I laid there, in the fetal position, seeking solace in Rob Lowe. He comforted me...via his name-dropping-filled autobiography, which has been his role the past day or so. I brought him with me on the plane. He, my iPad and I shared a spacious row to ourselves in business class. (It ruined me.) We laughed together. We sipped complimentary wine and wore complimentary slippers. It was lovely.
The day leading up to my flight had been hectic to say the least. I woke up (surprisingly!) not hungover from my birthday/bon voyage party the night before. Although I had gone to the trouble to set up a reservation at Rare Rooftop weeks in advance, I showed up only to hear they had no idea who I was. Um what, it's my birthday! Luckily that seemed to be all I needed to say because they went above and beyond in terms of accommodating me and some of my most favorite friends. (Thanks everyone!)
It was hard to say goodbye, lots of choked back tears on my part, but hopefully at least a few of them will manage a trip to see me. (Did I mention the space I'm living in!?! For starters, my bedroom is not the living room. I'm really moving up in the world! Oh, and there is a washing machine, dryer, and elevator. I know, people, I know. I promise to do a proper post on it all when it doesn't look as if I have emptied the contents of two giant suitcases on the floor...spoiler alert: I have actually done that.)
Where was I? Oh right, the day I left for Germany was crazy. I woke up to find an email from my office that the German Consulate had approved my visa! Best.news.ever. Just days before we'd received notice that they were contemplating denying it! So with that, I hauled myself uptown, cutting into my last-minute packing time, but it didn't matter: They wanted me, they really wanted me!
Back at home, a certain someone stopped by - rearranging his work calls no less - to say goodbye (and very importantly) carry down four months worth of my life jammed into two super heavy suitcases. He also gave me a necklace for my birthday, in addition to picking up the entire tab for the aforementioned fiesta. Totally uncalled for in terms of sweet gestures, but very very much appreciated. (Perhaps I'm more of a priority than I thought?)
In a few minutes one of my long-lost friends from my first days in New York (who is German) is coming over to hang out. Before I go, here are a few more details of the start of my German life (mostly for my mother): So far it's consisted of trying to get acclimated in the rain, accidentally shorting out the power in my apartment when I came home last night (I fixed it by myself, hooray!), buying a designer dress I didn't really need but it's my birthday and it looks good on me!! (and it was half price!), an Indian dinner with a new friend (my client's niece) and some client colleagues, and me eating birthday gifted gummi bears (the only sustenance in my apartment) when I woke up today as an attempt to not throw up. It worked. I've just grabbed a cappuccino and a chocolate croissant (apparently Germans are known for their baking, exactly what I need) from a shop down the street from my flat.
Clearly cohesive storytelling is one of my gifts, so I assume we're all still on the same page: The past few days have been insane; I'm tired and living in a foreign country where I'm wildly popular (two whole friends!), living a very privileged life (uh hello, elevator! free slippers!), and spending time with Rob Lowe ('s book.)
I will keep you posted on the rest.
So glad you made it there safely, Rachel! I'm seriously jealous... just soak it all up while you can! I think this will be a wonderful experience for you!! :)