Friday, July 8, 2011

The Best Of Times

It has been really shocking to me how easily I have fallen into the role of a Stay at Home Person. Who knew that leisurely scheduling coffee dates and attending eating activities with those close to me would come so naturally? Oh right, everyone sensed I might have that skill. 

In addition to my Mozart's date with my new friend Jenni, I've caught up with my aunt and uncle at the Steeping Room, a friend at Tacos & Tequila (which might have earned itself a spot on my fave Austin restaurants roster), coffee with a childhood friend (who is also a great wedding photographer, if you're in the market check out Addison Studios), and last night I topped it off in a big way.

I realize that sororities get a bad name (sometimes deservedly) but I truly bought the best friends money can buy. I am not ashamed of this. While our entire group of pals sadly wasn't in town, four of us got together to throw a going away party for our friend Natalie who got married last summer.

An evening spent eating, laughing, and reminiscing...about the time I made out with one of the groomsmen at her wedding. What better way to spend my last night in town?

Your wedding ruled.
Finally, someone who can handle her.
Hostess with the mostess.
I understand my food photography is not up to par,
but trust me, it was delicious.
Our hostess, my beauty expert Mary, made delicious homemade pizzas and strawberry rhubarb crumble. Mere's boytoy brought shrimp n' cheese stuffed, bacon-wrapped jalepeƱos. I made fruit salad and my (in)famous "Chino" dip. (My college BF's mom taught me how to make this bean dip, which I made once for a OC-watching - I miss that show! - potluck in college..coined after Ryan's ghetto has somehow become my specialty. Literally: 2 cans of refried beans, 1 packet taco seasoning, 1 package of cream cheese, 1 small container of sour cream, mix, sprinkle shredded cheese on top, bake at 350 for 20ish minutes.) And now we all know why this is not more of a foodie/recipe blog despite all the cooking I do. So ghetto.
Great minds think alike.

Keatikens and Natsky.

Anyway where were we? Oh right, I was just gushing about how it was the perfect evening. A throwback to a simpler time when we all lived in the sorority house together...only this time with the addition of a few boyfriend/husband types. 

Those girls have seen me at my best...but more often at my worst (if you call "most awesomely fun and least responsible" my worst). I know that no matter what happens, wherever I am or they are in the world, whenever we get together, it will be a great time. 

Love y'all. And I would promise that one day you can retaliate and makeout with someone in my wedding party, but I have a feeling you might all be taken by then. Unless things go very well in Germany...joking.

"Loyally" until the next reunion! 

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