I dating detoxed during December. It was nice. But now it's a new year, and I'm finally motivated to get back in the game. Which, in thirty degree weather, is saying a lot.
The truth is, though, it's finally sunk in how much I miss having a boyfriend. The weather is definitely playing a factor since I spent the past two winters relationship upped, and the wedding made me nostalgic for love.
This feeling went up another notch on Saturday when I went to brunch with Elle and a few other girls at Perry Street (Jean-Georges restaurant with a fantastic $26 price fixe lunch), including one who had just gotten back from a holiday trip with her boyfriend. Her devoted, handsome, generous, nice, awesome, etc. orthopedic surgeon boyfriend. There has been ring shopping and apartment hunting.
In many instances, it's possible to get insanely jealous and/or rageful because why can't it be you!?
But that was not the case. Instead I was ecstatic to hear all about an actual, real life example of a guy pursuing a girl, sweeping her off her feet, and wanting to settle down. In New York!
So it was backed by this inspiration that I went out with The BFF to see what sort of dating roster shopping we could do. We had a few plans up in the air, but figured we might as well get out of the apartment to get a head start on making an effort. Because we've come to the conclusion that we don't exactly meet guys while sitting around in our bathrobes watching the Food Network. Unfortunately.
After our plan of the Bowery Hotel fell through based on zero eligible prospects, we went to a few more places before settling on an Irish bar showing the end of the Jets game. Because, duh, wildcard playoff games are usually full of men.
Outside were two guys, one of whom we assumed had to be the bouncer. Of course neither actually were. We learned this after volunteering our IDs to them. Awkward. Yes, I am 25 and from Texas. Glad we're all on the same page now.
After an hour or so inside, wherein during this time The BFF and I invented a new holiday called Shotsgiving, we made our way toward the exit where we ran into the "bouncer" and his cute friend.
They invited us to head to Double Crown down the block. Score. And we ended up spending the rest of the night hanging out with them. All because The BFF and I are idiots who show our IDs to anyone at the entrance of a building.
So while I hope the first perfect on paper FH candidate of 2011 gives me a call, it doesn't even matter that he probably won't be The One. Because at least it was something.
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