Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thank God For Girlfriends

That's the title of one of my mom's Facebook albums. Classic Caren.

Anyway, it's true having great friends is a gift. And in the past few months, I've had the opportunity to see almost all of my closest friends both in Austin and NYC. And I'm freakin' ecstatic about it.

It sometimes always seems like we're all spinning around like individual tornadoes, and by the time you slow down enough to comprehend what's going on outside your little bubble, you realize months have gone by without catching up. Whatever happened with you and so and so? You moved?! Wait, what's your name again? 

But I'm making a conscious effort to change this habit. Another New Year's resolution if you will. Except for way more fun than those that require dietary restrictions.

It started last week with a girls' dinner at a great (and cheap) pizza place that has free wine on Wednesday nights. This week I went again with different friends. And I want it to continue!

Not only is it delicious (did I mention that already?), it's also a great way to break up the week. It's like having a "date" without actually having to go on a date! (Although, according to The BFF I need to make that a bigger priority because I "don't even have any prospects.)

So anyway, friends are important. You should make an effort to keep them around. If so, then you can sing them this amazing song (and the greatest theme song ever):

Thank you for being a friend.
...Travel down the road and back again.
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant.
...And if you threw a party,
invited everyone you knew.
You would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say,
thank you for being a friend.

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