Monday, January 24, 2011

The Bleak Mid Winter Complaint Forum

Up until now I've done a pretty stellar job of keeping my winter griping to relatively low levels. Up until now is the key part of that sentence.

That has stopped. I'm going to whine. This weather is miserable. We've been under freezing for almost a week.

Today is the coldest day in years.

"Frigid." "Bone chilling cold." "Deadly Arctic blast." All things that really make you want to hop out of bed in the morning.

And it's not just the miserable weather. Now that the last of the holiday cheer has been removed, the whole city is becoming blanketed in pink and red hearts. Spare me.

There's really no light at the end of the tunnel (I mean, for the next month or so), prompting me to proclaim this as "the worst time of the year."

Happy Monday to you too.

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