Saturday, January 15, 2011

Three Year Anniversary

As you can guess, that picture was taken approximately 100000 million years ago because that's how long it's been since The BFF was blonde and I was (spray) tan. Aw, those were the days. But really it was only three.

Oh how time flies. It's amazing to think how much has changed since then. I mean, not really the bank account, thanks New York, but life is good.

As predicted, we were broke and homeless for a little while (although not totally homeless thanks to our wonderful friends Nicki and Dana), but we survived.

Last year's anniversary post was on the precipice of momentous change. We moved into a new apartment (away from psychoville) and a few months later I got a new job.

Another year, new friends, new gossip, new drama, new hopes. Lessons learned. I know what I don't want, but still trying to figure out what I do want. I'm not too worried about it though. It'll fall into place, I'm confident of that. Sooner rather than later is preferable, but whatever.

Who knows where things will go from here, but whenever I think back on this stage in my life, I will know that it was totally awesome. As my grandma Dolo tells me whenever I complain about something, "From the looks of your blog, it seems you're having plenty of fun." What can I say, she's a perceptive lady.

All in all, I love my life, I love New York, I love The BFF.

Last year I posted the video for Empire State of Mind. This is a little less "These streets will make you feel brand-new," but it's still inspiring:

NYC - Mindrelic Timelapse from Mindrelic on Vimeo.

I heart NY.

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