It's so weird. Within a span of eight days, I've managed to completely revert back to High School Rachel. Clothes strewn all over my room, building up to NYC snow bank levels? Check. Driving my mom's car to go meet friends at Magnolia Cafe? Check. Family tension, tongue biting and eye rolling? Check.
But the biggest "Ladies and Gentlemen, We've Taken a Time Machine to 2004" moment took place the day after Christmas.
We're the Three Best Friends That Anyone Could Have |
Every year, two former high school classmates - one from my grade and one a few years older - have a joint birthday party. A Reunion of People I Don't Despise, I call it. Having attended the past few years, it's become an event I enjoy - look forward to even. Although it's a little awkward blast from the past, we've all moved on from that time in life. (Mostly) gone are the harbored judgments, and stale stereotypes from those years growing up together. It's weird, like we've all gone and become adults all of a sudden. Real people.
With the exception of one.
Before I came into town, I had been exchanging periodic Facebook messages with the HS Crush, the first (and foremost) CGS manifestation in my life. [Back story: He caustically cremated my fragile little 16-year-old heart. While I totally own up to being a wee bit of an idiot (read: psycho) about it all, years later - last year to be exact - he told me that he had in fact liked me. He was just a dumbass (read: jackass).]
Okay so now we're all on the same page. A page where I thought we were all adults. Now back to the party.
I was with my friend Keaton (honorary high school friend but really from college), S, and The BFF when I received a text from the HS Crush. Apparently he had seen me from across the party, thought I looked "sophisticated," but didn't bother to say hi. He was leaving to grab some food, he might be back, but maybe we could do lunch the next day.
Those pitchers are $5. Maybe that's why I always have fun? |
He never showed back up. Not surprised.
Then, what was shocking, was that he texted me the next day about lunch plans! I was blown over. Wow, he really has changed.
Except, of course, he hasn't. After I responded with a proposed time, he never followed through.
And that was the last I heard from him.
(Unlike high school, though, I lack any semblance of CGS about the situation. It doesn't matter. At all. It's just the total lack of common courtesy that is annoying. But that's just how he is.)
Can I go back to Real Life Rachel now? Please?
Actually this is pretty close to real life. Unfortunately we are that creepy and good at dancing. |