Thursday, November 17, 2011

You Spin Me Right Round

Last weekend a friend shared her sage dating perspective with me. Apparently due to my "unsettled energy" I tend to attract guys with the same qualities. There I am in all of my tornado-esque glory, chaotically rotating with someone else. Neither of us with anything to tether us to the ground. 

And honestly, I have really loved this about my life during the past few years. I am happy to be flexible, waiting for the next thing that comes along. If I had been in a permanent place, I never would have been able to come to Berlin. I would have missed out on this experience. 

But now I am at a cross roads. What's next? Do I choose to make "life" decisions pinning me to a specific place? Am I ready to commit to the idea of one "future" with the hopes that I will find someone with the same plan?

Some mornings I wake up and think yes! Other days I roll over and go back to bed.

This is the kind of crap you find on Pinterest.

Is the energy you send off into the universe what you get back? Truth or SATC content filler I choose to ponder due to lack of anything else interesting in my life to share?  A little of Column A, a little of Column B?

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