Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lorraine Y Tomas

The sentiment "Lauren stole my dream wedding" was uttered by at least one person and felt by many, including me, a girl whose camp experiences were limited to that of the "yearbook" or "church youth group" variety and thus never dreamed of having a camp wedding herself. I didn't know it was an option! Now I can say: It's a great option!

Awhile back, Lauren wrote a guest post about how hard/stressful wedding planning can be, especially when you try to make everything Style Me Pretty-esque beautiful. Let me tell you, her hard work paid off. All the details, from the customized Mexican banners to the outdoor leather chairs to the dock from which I came very, very close to falling in a pond during pictures, were stunning.

Being only an hour outside of Austin, Camp Balcones Springs was a perfect choice as a mini-destination in Marble Falls. Plus we got to stay in cabins. Cabins! Best of all, in terms of getting a second chance at camp experiences, I even found myself a camp boyfriend. What makes a camp boyfriend you may ask? The main factor is that your love stays at camp. And considering this guy lives in Oklahoma, it is fairly certain I will never see him again. (Which is preferable when your camp boyfriend is also a rebound...)

Anyway, here is a short recap of some of my favorite things from the weekend:
  • Being there for Lauren and Thomas' special day.
  • Choking back laughter when the priest, whose first language was definitely not English, kept referring to them as Lorraine y Tomás.
  • Seeing my Austin pals.
  • Gossiping about boys with aforementioned pals.
  • Margaritas, queso, Tex-mex, guacamole, more margaritas.
  • Post-rehearsal dinner dance parties that play R. Kelly's Slow Motion, which will probably be the first dance at my wedding because that song is so timeless, right?
  • Receiving a "compliment" from one of your best friends about how 'you're SO awkward at dancing, yet you still manage to get guys!' (I feel like this would be a good quote for the back of my not-yet-written autobiography.)
  • Having the weather be freezing one day and 75 the next.
  • The adorable ringbearer and flower girl singing the ABCs with a bunch of people in their mid-20s before the ceremony because a) it's a song we all know and b) it never hurts to brush up.
  • The fact I did not die from jet lag. Yet.

Rehearsal dinner. Looooved her dress.

Perfecto for the Mexican cocktail hour.

New signature solo shot pose showing off my BFOH corsage.
Oh look, it's catching on!
Doesn't she look like Barbie?

Too cute.
Color scheming.

Hill Country sunset

It was a whirlwind trip, but well worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. I adore that pink dress you're wearing Rachel!! So glad you had fun back home... and what a cool concept for a wedding!!

    Hey. Could you do me a favor? I moved all my blog subscriptions over to Bloglovin, and yours is the only one that wasn't on there yet! Would you mind adding it? I think it's quick and easy. Sure would make it easier for me to keep up with ya! Thanks pretty!!
