Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Perfect Staycation Slash Vacation

I love having friends visit (cough cough hint hint), but sometimes it can be a little challenging to find activities that fulfill both tourist desires and a desire for me not to hate my life. Luckily since Keaton is a) low maintenance and b) has been to visit multiple times, I knew our weekend would be fun.

Unfortunately, as I already complained, her flight was delayed and she didn't get in until almost midnight on Thursday. Per my occasional bout of 'going out conviction', I was dead set on making the most of the night. We ended up at Bar 675 in MPD where I met a cute Turkish guy who informed me I look super similar to a Turkish actress. Good to know in case I ever want to have an ABC Family movie-esque experience pretending to be famous in Istanbul or something!

I heart photo ops
Friday I learned an important lesson: YOU ARE TOO OLD TO GET THREE HOURS OF SLEEP AND FUNCTION AT WORK. Ouch. Luckily the office closed early and we got a chance to nap.

That night, we decided to see a comedy show at Eastville because we love to laugh. All the comedians were funny and - Bonus! - two were hot. (Of course one of them made a hilarious (inappropriate) joke at our expense. But clearly we love attention so it was fine.) 

Saturday we did some shopping - Justification theme of the weekend: I'm on vacation too! - and then met up with Keaton's friends for dinner and really embarrassing other stuff.

Sunday began what will remain the most times I went to Brooklyn ever streak, starting with a field trip to Coney Island. Spoiler alert: Just as skeezy as you'd imagine! I've only been before to go to the aquarium (which no one would agree to go to with me, so please volunteer if you're interested), but the beach is nasty. Shocking.

Definitely too cute for Coney Island
That night, after some relaxation and How I Met Your Mother re-run watching, we grabbed dinner while witnessing the most awkward open mic rock band night at Brooklyn Bowl. As much as I love watching people who think they're really talented jiggle around on the stage, next time I'll save myself for real bands.

Monday we embraced the BK once again and walked down to and across the Brooklyn Bridge. We even went early enough to find ourselves in a fairly short line for Grimaldi's. Having recently read from one of my fav bloggers Jordan at Ramshackle Glam about how it is totally worth it, we were rewarded with delicious coal oven baked pizza. Followed by a burnt roof of my mouth. Still, though, delicious.

I owe Mother Nature a shout out for not being a total whore this weekend. I'll take Please Ignore The Sweat Dripping Down My Back over Crap I Hate Having to Wear a Jacket weather any day.

Great start to the summer. Thanks, Keaton!

Why yes, she is adorable.

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