Sunday, June 19, 2011

Letters to The BFF: Governor's Ball

Ed. note: In case you didn't know, The BFF and I have been friends since the first day of sixth grade. During that decade and a half, we've been separated for a few months at a time during the summers while she went to visit her grandma in Lebanon, but nowhere near as long as what we're about to experience thanks to my upcoming Berlin adventure. In an effort not to lose touch, I've decided to start writing her letters about what she's missing out on. And, in an effort to be sufficient with my time, I've decided to publish them on the blog so you can enjoy them too. Genius move, huh?

Dear BFF,

You have only been gone a few days, but I've already forgotten what you look like. Just kidding. There's no way that could ever happen because anytime I get hungry, I'm reminded of your pretty face thanks to our friendship shrine displayed on the fridge. I'm sure the new roommate is a little creeped out.

We make an attractive couple, right?
Speaking of The Replacement BFF (jk!), she bought me some really cute earrings as a new roommate gift. Love. Almost as nice as the time I bought you a giant restaurant-sized bottle of Sriracha sauce that you drained in record time. I'm sure our condiments will barely be depleted in your absence. The loneliness will be palpable.

Yesterday you were definitely missed, but not for that reason. It was Governor's Ball, an outdoor music experience you probably would have bitched about because there were too many hot, young girls. Thank goodness for the handful of obese ones jiggling around in bikinis. Nothing saves your self-esteem like the jello of others, amiright?

Someone special is missing.
It was basically a smaller scale ACL, except, you know, on an island south of Manhattan. The music wasn't really your scene, but I loved it. It dawned on me while I was there: Girl Talk was invented so white people could experience a rap concert. I have a sneaky suspicion I might not have felt nearly as comfortable doing my awkward dance moves while sporting a romper and fedora in a more "urban" environment. Nor should I have.

Speaking of outfits, no matter how you felt about the music or the infantile crowd, you would have had fun for one reason: It was the perfect time to rock your jorts, those tattered AF jeans-turned-shorts-turned-ragged-prized-possessions, among the dirty, sweaty humanity.

Anyway, like I said, you were missed. It's going to be a transition from seeing each other every day to our newly rekindled Internet Relationship but I think it will be good for us. You know, to help with the codependency issues. Or whatever. But change is hard. I mean, just last week I was overwhelmed with the repercussions from the new addition of scaffolding on the street! And there weren't even any real repercussions! It's just different and weird!

Hopefully I will start handling this better in the future. Ha, yah right. "Draft Letter #2: PLEASE COME HOME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

In the mean time, have fun with your family on your Italian pre-vacation. I very much enjoyed your email wherein you informed me that the Sally Hansen nail polish stickons are really great. You probably didn't need to go to Rome to discover this, but rock on. When in Rome I guess!

(Yeah, I understand that phrase doesn't totally make sense in this context, but you know, how often do you really get to say that when you're literally talking to someone in Rome? That's what I thought.)


Your Wife

1 comment:

  1. You girls look adorable!

    I love outdoor summer concerts :)
