Monday, November 26, 2012

Finally Time To Share Our Exciting News

All Spiros knew about Thanksgiving was what he'd learned from sitcoms so I insisted the day would not be complete without some drama and excitement in real life too. Since my family boringly gets along, I knew we'd have to make it ourselves. (Consider it our contribution to the meal since our midnight arrival the night before killed any desire to help actually prepare any dishes.)

Anyway, it was also perfect timing to share our exciting news that I had painstakingly been keeping from everybody.

After the blessing, while all 20+ family members were gathered in one room, I grabbed Spiros' hand and told everyone we had something important to share while we had everyone together.

"We are getting...[insert dramatic pause here]...a PUPPY!!!"

[insert hysterical evil laugh here]

Spiros and I had practiced keeping straight faces in order to totally convince my mother that we were getting engaged and it worked. (Worked in the sense that I thought it was hilarious and she was disappointed.)

But we couldn't be more excited. As of next Sunday, we will be dog parents to this little muffin.

Everyone meet Franklin!

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