Of the four other girls there, one was newly relationshipped; one has the most promising boyfriends I've heard of in a long time; one is recently out of a five year long-term commitment; and one plays the field while also having a long-distance college BF on the hook. And then there was me, the one who is, for the most part, totally dating indifferent. (Read: Dating Depressed.)
After two hours of play-by-play stories and dating dissection, it dawned on me that no matter what our current situation is, we're all dating snobs. (And snobs in general...)
Qualities we hold in high esteem differ between us, some of my dealbreakers are no sweat to someone else, but we all have something we're looking for and each one of us has the things we can't get over.
In the past I've gone out with guys just for the hell of it, to occupy my time while I wait for The One. But maybe I've reached the point where I need to be more discerning. I want what I want, and if you don't have x, y and z qualities, it's just not worth it to see where it goes. I know where it's going: no where.
Do you care what those dealbreakers are? No, okay here they are anyway:
- Must be a Real Person, who has preferably lived in the city longer than me (but not so long that they're irreversibly damaged or forever Peter Pan serial bachelors)
- Makes more money than me (Yes IAAB, but I make a barely sustainable amount - and live frugally - I can't afford to play sugar mama and don't want to be made to feel guilty about my expensive taste in dinner. Sorry.)
- Taller than me when I'm in heels
- Will fit into my life beyond right now (my family is quirky - not everyone can handle the awesomeness)
- Lives in the approved dating radius I have mentally constructed (preferably West Village because it's pretty; East Village because it's convenient to my apartment; Union Square because that's where my gym is; Upper West Side because it's not too far from work; okay fine, I'll include L train to Brooklyn so I seem slightly more "diverse" in my areas)
Is this too much to ask for??
Don' answer that.
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