Monday, February 21, 2011

Making Peace in the Middle East (Village)

After last weekend's travels and a fun week of catching up with friends, I was more than happy to stay in on Friday night. A Pilates class and a low key evening with The BFF seemed like the perfect way to start the long weekend.

Until I said something that set her off, she retaliated, I screamed, she screamed, we all screamed for ice cream the other person to go to hell.

The fight centered around guys - shocking - particularly The BFF's distaste in everyone I meet (in hindsight her rebuttal of "Did you really expect me to support LA Jim and Plan G??? Let's look at how well that turned out!!!" seems reasonable).

From there the rage took on a life of its own based on the fact that we know exactly how to push each other's buttons. Had you witnessed this little incident, what you would have seen was both of us jamming all of the buttons at once. Like that little kid dressed like the devil in the elevator in Serendipity. Are you familiar with that John Cusack rom com? One of my favorites. John Corbett (aka Aidan) playing the Kenny G role is amaze.

Anyway, it was not pretty, and for the first time since The BFF slapped me in the middle school bathroom, I was fairly certain things might get physical.

Luckily, though, we went to own rooms to cool off, a timeout if you will.

And then I receive the following textual peace offering:

Hilarious. And possibly my dream.

Her husband Jeffrey is such a lucky man.

And then everything returned to normal. We were over it.

Which got me thinking. If The BFF and I can overcome our differences of opinion and work things out despite stubborn holds on our own beliefs, I assume similar tactics might be helpful in the Middle East where every day I read about how a new country is flippin' their shiz. Might I suggest sending one of these Valentine's. (If you know, they've already won that whole battle for Internet freedom.) I mean, it can't make things worse, right Hilary?

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